Shortage of accommodation has become a driving force to the rise of squatter students at the University of Zimbabwe.

The chaos of squatters bring negative effects to the students as it can lead to the fast spreading of corona virus to the students as they crowd in a single room.

Most students can not afford to rent a house in nearby Mount Pleasant as they find it expensive for them. Instead they choose to squatter in their friends rooms at University. However, squatting is prohibited.

It can be noted that female student are at large risk following the raiding process that took place on the third week of June which led many students to be dismissed from their rooms and probably blacklisted on accommodation.

The raiding process led some students to sleep in the chapel as they were afraid of putting the owner of the room at risk of being sent out from residence.

This also led to the high level of ladies to be engaged with blessers and cohabitation as they were left with no option of survival but rather to engage with such activities.

Story by Evangelistar Besa