Successes to date

Successes to date

TaLI trained more than 1 000 (girls, boys, men and women including 76 teachers who ran empowerment clubs in their schools) Community Peer Educators to carry out community dialogues within 4 Districts in Zimbabwe namely Shurugwi, Zvishavane, Gweru and Kwekwe.

We provided Psycho Social Support/Referrals to more than 200 survivors of sexual abuse.

TaLI led the writing of position papers and influenced the Ending Child Marriages law in Zimbabwe through working with partners and in coalitions to have the child marriages illegalised. (Constitutional Court Ruling of 20 January 2016).

TaLI ran symposiums and Indabas to discuss various issues affecting girls eg the Girls Indaba symposium led by TaLI, WCoZ and Higher Life to discuss girls’ education.

TaLI has led high profiled campaigns against authority figures who abused young women and girls, example is when TaLI executive director led a media campaign, braved and went on live television and later radios, to call out on Prosecutor General Tomana who was promoting child marriages. The campaign caused more voices (men and women) to speak out which subsequently caused his issue to receive condemnation from other authority figures like the first lady.

TaLI has published a series of articles against child marriages, child abuse, marginalisation of girls and young women, women and development in the Press written by the Executive Director and founder. Such series can be found in The Standard Newspaper, Opinion Section mainly in 2015 and early 2016.

TaLI Founder has won a number of awards as a result both nationally and internationally including JCI’s TOYP, Starfm Humanitarian Award, Female Human Rights Defender of the year 2015 among others. She has received international fellowships including; Community Solutions Fellow 2012, Vital Voices Fellow 2013, Reagan Fascell Fellow 2016, Trust Women Conference Fellow 2016 as a result of the work with TaLI. The organisation has been given awards by various schools where its programmes runs.

TaLI has become as strong voice in the movement to advocate for girls and young womens’ issues. This is seen by its membership and leadership in a number of networks and coalitions where it is often invited to speak and advocate for girls and young women’s issues. Such platforms include; Women leaders supporting women affected by and living with HIV by UN Women, Member of the Gender Group with the National AIDS Council, former Board Member of the Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe representing young women and girls, Education Cluster Members with the WCoZ. TaLI Founder and Executive Director is a founding member of the African Movement for Democracy, a regional platform to advance for Human right and democracy within Africa and a member of Sonke Gender Justice. TaLI has also found its voice within the CSW both at home and in New York to raise the issues of girls and young women. It is also a member of International organisations such as IWID, Women Thrive Alliance among others where it is a constant voice around girls and young women’s issues.

TaLI managed to evaluate its own impact for the five years in its operations through engaging an external evaluator, a process which fed into the development of the current Strategic Plan 2016-2020.