This report is a report of the inception meeting of the project that is being implemented in Bravo village Hurungwe. The project consists of the setting up of a biogas plant called the Water Jacket-overflow system with the capacity to produce 80m3 of biogas and pig houses in Bravi village in Ward 7, Hurungwe District. This project plan is meant to offer alternative and renewable energy that can be used for household use and reduces, if not removes, the daily task of fuelwood gathering, which can, in areas of scarcity, be the single most time consuming task of especially women – taking more than three hours in some instances. Freeing up energy and time for women in such circumstances often allows them to have time for other activities, some of which may be income generating, and moreso the use of firewood that has caused massive  deforestation. The project also encompasses the setting up of a pigsty as a way of promoting young women  and girls empowerment in Nyamakate community as well as training them on climate change, sustainable development, women’s rights and the use of biogas as a means of clean energy that addresses climate change related challenges.

On the 8th of October 3 TaLI officials; projects officer, director and admin officer accompanied by 2 partners from Bio technology Trust visited Hurungwe district offices for an inception meeting.

They had the opportunity to meet officials from Agritex, EMA, Women’s Affairs, village head, ministry of youth, local governance, HRDC and the chief. 

The young women empowerment through provision of clean renewable energy for domestic use and livelihoods was received by all the authorities. The local authorities showed their commitment to the project.

After the meeting with the local authorities at the district offices they proceeded to Bravo village where they met the beneficiaries. The beneficiaries welcomed the initiative and they believed it will relieve them of fetching firewood and will empower them financially.


1. Moving forward the programs team should improve on planning 

2. They should be clear communications between the team and the village head to avoid surprises in the field

3. The team should be time conscious when travelling