My name is Tanyaradzwa E Chinokuya aged 23. A young lady from Dzivarasekwa. I am currently studying Development studies and l’m a LEMHster. The LEMHs programme helped me to shape my career goals.

Aspirations l obtained are to be become a better mentor, show more confident, building stronger connections and becoming an active listener. I learnt to be a goal getter, more confidence and being analytical. As a young woman from the LEMHs training I became more adaptable to change and more open-minded.

My passion lies in advocacy, I will be glad to offer independent support to those who feel they are not being heard and to ensure they are taken seriously and that their rights are respected and also to assist people to access and understand appropriate information and services.

My most vital leadership skills include empathy, gratitude, creativity and adaptability and self-awareness.

I was someone who was shy to talk in front of people and i lacked confidence but after the LEMHs programme I can confidently speak smoothly.

As a LEMHster I’m doing my best in applying my skills l learnt by raising awareness to the young leader. Also helping the young people to have confidence in themselves, to have self esteem and to know their rights. Lack of support from the community.

I see myself as a Gender Equality Advocate in the next years to come. With all the knowledge l obtained from the LEMHs programme.