Hyveth Ayaranda Mzumara | Tag a Life International

Hyveth Ayaranda Mzumara is a law student who believes that the law is an important tool to fight oppression and injustice.
The 2024 LEMHs bootcamp taught be a lot about leadership, self-introspection and prioritising self-care. I learn that young women are not always part of the decision-making structures which make decisions that affect them. In general, young people do not often participate in law making processes. It is therefore important that we raise awareness, advocate and encourage their participation to make sure their needs are well represented.

I gained a thorough understanding of gender-based violence, the causes, types of abuse and far-reaching negative consequences including how it affects mental health. I intend to deal with mental health issues after the boot camp. In addition to GBV, there are many other causes of mental health problems in our community including drug and substance abuse.

I want to ensure those with mental health struggles have access to support groups and psychosocial support. I also hope our community learns more about mental health, demystifies it and participate in making sure those who are suffering get the appropriate help they need.