My name is Tendai Luswani, I am a lady aged 21. I now describe myself as empowered, skilled and an analytical thinker because of the LEMHs training.
The LEMHs training, inspired me to stand up for myself and have my voice heard, whenever I feel that there are injustices. I am now very passionate about financial literacy, it enables young woman like myself to become independent and financially stable.
As a trained leader, I now possess leadership, advocacy and entrepreneurial skills. The LEMHs program has helped me to change the way I see myself and others, the way I talk and even the way I now handle day to day issues.
In the next 10years, I will be running my own life skills training center for girls and young woman. A center were they are empowered with skills that will help them sustain themselves financial and are able to share their life stories freely.