Anesu Samantha Chatikobo | Tag a Life International

Anesu Samantha Chatikobo is a 22-year old young woman, studying Social Work at the University of Zimbabwe. She is passionate about women empowerment and Sexual Reproductive Health Rights. Her goal is to empower girls and young women, increase awareness of their rights, empower them to be leaders and with financial management skills.

The LEHMs programme was a dream come true for me, my leadership skills were strengthened; I learnt more about myself and how to set and plan my goals. I feel empowered and prepared to make a positive change in my community, raising awareness on sexual reproductive health and financial literacy to young women like me. At the LEMHs bootcamp, I was empowered with advocacy skills, goal setting, drafting advocacy plans, project proposals and business proposals.

We were taught the importance of teamwork, ensuring our community work is implemented in partnership with all relevant stakeholders. By engaging relevant stakeholders, I will ensure a collaborative approach to creating positive change in my community. I also learnt the importance of research, knowing our constitutional rights and the legislative framework.

I plan to work with schools and churches, empowering girls and young women on their rights, encouraging and supporting them to take up leadership positions. I want my movement to inspire and support young women’s well-being in all the areas of their lives. The LEMHs programme played a significant role in shaping my confidence, skills and vision.