My name is Loice Njenge. I am 21 years old and I’m from rural, Shamva. I am currently studying a diploma in Telecommunication Engineering at Telone Learning Centre. I am a member of Girls and Goals where we do sports, arts and culture to empower young people. I am an African women leaders network intreprenuer Mashonaland Central member where I participate in bag weaving and detergent making.
I’m also a game changer from Rozaria memorial Trust where I lead community nhanga as a mentor. Nhanga is a safe space for girls where we do intergenerational conversation about the promotion of girl’s rights, sexual reproductive health rights and promoting gender equality. I gained invaluable advocacy skills during the LEMHs bootcamp, especially the importance of planning, knowing the Constitution and research. My favourite topics were Gender Based violence, sexual and reproductive health rights and constitutionalism.
In my community, child marriages, drug abuse and the spread of Sexually transmitted infections are prevalent due to the lack of SRHR education and high rates of unemployment. With the training I got from the bootcamp, I want to approach the leaders in my community to assist in expanding the bag weaving and detergent making skills I have to other young people. This will ensure young people are occupied and lack the time to abuse drugs.
During the economic strengthening activities, we will also be empowering each other with information on sexual reproductive health rights education. With the LEMHs programme, I am confident that I will be a changemaker in my community.