Tapiwa Precious Dawanyi | Tag a Life International

Tapiwa Precious Dawanyi is a registered Social Worker who also holds a Mental Health, Human Rights and Recovery Certificate. She has interests in mental health, human rights and wants to ensure that young women and girls have sustainable livelihoods.

I live in a low-density community where day to day human interaction is very minimal, we are isolated from our neighbors and rarely check up on each other. Mental Health is usually taken for granted or ignored because of lack of awareness, cultural or religious beliefs yet it is a vital aspect that should be put in consideration.

During the bootcamp, I learnt the importance of having a community, a tribe, interactive neighbors even if virtual to tackle mental health. One of the sessions on abuse created a safe space where we shared our abuse and GBV stories, it was a relief to share and find comfort in the LEMHs tribe. I learnt that as a leader I cannot fully help others when I am not talking care of my overall well-being, including my mental health.

I plan to raise awareness on mental health, to challenge and break the stereotypes and barriers, try to seeking help and create a safe space for collective support.