
The Bravo Village is well known for a lot of cases of deforestation due to the fact that it is  an area that grows a lot of tobacco and the area has a very few fruit trees. 

2. Objectives

. Discussing issues around GBV in commemoration of the 16 days of activism against GBV

. Tree planting: -site selection

                            -species selection

                            -factors to consider when planting

                            -Site-species matching

                           -land preparation methods

. Woodlot and orchard establishment factors and species

. Management aspects, spot weeding, watering, pruning, thinning and pollarding.

3. Methodology Used

The training workshop used qualitative methodology because the community was engaging in focused group discussion. They were also giving feedback and questions were asked as well, therefore there was more of interaction between the community and the facilitators.

4. Observations

There was a high turn out on both women and men and they were showing much interest as supported by how almost everyone was participating. From the discussions on GBV observations were that women are the most victims at the same time men are also experiencing it and they are fighting in silence. 

5. Recommendations

Bravo Village is an area mainly composed of women and young girls therefore there is need to initiate more projects that will benefit them at the same time not neglecting the men as well.

Hence the training workshop was of much beneficial to the Bravo Village because many issues of gender based violence cases were unpacked and also the people had an opportunity of accessing the toll free numbers from the ministry of women affairs who were the facilitators. In addition the people acquired much knowledge on tree planting that is the species which are suitable for that area and the importance of having more trees within their areas.