Report Title: Trees and Forests for ecosystem restoration
Date: 3 December 2021
On the 3rd of December 2021 Tag a life International in conjunction with UNDP/SGPGEF and the Forestry Commission held a tree planting day commemoration in Bravo Village, Nyamakate ward 7 Hurungwe which was running under the theme, “Trees and forests for ecosystems restoration”. The ceremony was graced by the presence of Chief Chundu of Hurungwe, the guest of honor was D.D.C Mr Tizora, MrGomwe from Hurungwe Rural District Council, Forestry Commission officer Mr Muchenje, Mr shoshoze from the Ministry of Women Affairs, TaLI Director Ms NyaradzoMashayamombe, the ward coouncillor and village heads.
Each of the officials gave a speech and the main emphasis was on afforestation, nutrition, ending gender-based violence and reduction of unpaid care work for women in Bravo village. Tag a life International with the help of forestry commission managed to donate a variety of 300 fruit tree species which include peaches, masawu, paw paw, mango, nartjies, guava and orange for the orchard.
The tree planting day was targeted at providing a balanced diet for the Bravo village and to improve their nutritional requirements and it also coincided with the 16 days of activism against GBV. A total of 82 participants attended the ceremony, 42 were women, 25 were man and 15 were youths. With the orchard, the women are able to come up with projects from the fruit trees such as juice making and selling of fresh and dried fruits as a way of obtaining a source of income. This will also reduce unpaid care work for women. This will in turn reduce GBV since most rural women face financial abuse from their partners therefore from this project women will become financial independent.
Mr Muchenje from the forestry commission gave an opening speech on the importance of tree planting. He said, “Trees are important in our daily lives as they provide us with oxygen, wind breaks and medication, hence it’s a crime to cut down trees”. The guest of honor D.D.C Mr Tizora was concerned by the high levels of GBV in the community. In his speech he said, “We must all fight to end gender-based violence against women and girls as we are also commemorating the 16 days of activism against GBV”. He also called on every household to at least plant 3 species of trees.
TaLI director Ms Nyaradzo Mashayamombe also gave a key note speech in which she appreciated the co-operation in Bravo Village. She also emphasized that there is need for cooperation from both men and women for the project to succeed. Chief Chundu could not hide his gratitude to the work being done by TaLI in Bravo Village. “I used to receive so many cases from Bravo Village on deforestration and I would like to believe that with this initiative there will be a reduction of cases of deforestation”. Chief Chundu led proceedings and planted the first tree.